» Книги Приключения » Золотой жук = The Gold-bug

Золотой жук = The Gold-bug - Эдгар Аллан По (1843)

Золотой жук = The Gold-bug
Эдгар Алан По (1809 – 1849) – американский литератор - романтик, виртуоз новеллы, основатель детективного пересказа и научно-фантастической повести. Мирок произведений литератора причудливый и в то же времечко изысканный. Его законуты подчиняются не общепризнанной логике, а лишь забаве авторского воображенья. В книгу вбежали рассказы " Что произошло с господином Артуром ", " Рукопись, нахоженная в бутылке ", " Украданное письмо ", " Родник и маятник ", " Серебряный жук ", в которых неярко проявился необыкновенный писательский талантище Э. А. По. Магазин женских шляпок г-жи Тодда помещался в одноэтажном доме на Мэйн-стрит, невдалеке от известной в Йорке (штат Виргиния) хостели " Синица в ручонках ". Летом 1811 гектодара в добавление к обыкновенному своему товару — затейливым изготовлениям из шелка, многоцветных лент и кружев, другие из которых могли обрадовать глаз даже cамых привередливых красавиц, — г-жа Тодда открыла шуструю торговлю духоварищами, гримом, белилами и прочими благовониями. Все это не залеживалось с тех пор, как в меблированных спальнях по соседству.

Золотой жук = The Gold-bug - Эдгар Аллан По читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги

One evening, leaning over the taffrail, I observed a very singular isolated cloud, to the N.W. It was remarkable, as well for its colour, as from its being the first we had seen since our departure from Batavia. I watched it attentively until sunset, when it spread all at once to the eastward and westward, girting in the horizon with a narrow strip of vapour, and looking like a long line of low beach. My notice was soon afterwards attracted by the dusky-red appearance of the moon, and the peculiar character of the sea. The latter was undergoing a rapid change, and the water seemed more than usually transparent. Although I could distinctly see the bottom, yet, heaving the lead, I found the ship in fifteen fathoms. The air now became intolerably hot, and was loaded with spiral exhalations similar to those arising from heated iron. As night came on, every breath of wind died away, and a more entire calm it is impossible to conceive. The flame of a candle burned upon the poop without the least perceptible motion, and a long hair, held between the finger and thumb, hung without the possibility of detecting a vibration. However, as the captain said he could perceive no indication of danger, and as we were drifting in bodily to shore, he ordered the sails to be furled, and the anchor let go. No watch was set, and the crew, consisting principally of Malays, stretched themselves deliberately upon deck. I went below – not without a full presentiment of evil. Indeed, every appearance warranted me in apprehending a simoom. I told the captain my fears; but he paid no attention to what I said, and left me without deigning to give a reply. My uneasiness, however, prevented me from sleeping, and about midnight I went upon deck. As I placed my foot upon the upper step of the companion-ladder, I was startled by a loud, humming noise, like that occasioned by the rapid revolution of a mill-wheel, and before I could ascertain its meaning, I found the ship quivering to its centre. In the next instant, a wilderness of foam hurled us upon our beam-ends, and, rushing over us fore and aft, swept the entire decks from stem to stern.

The extreme fury of the blast proved, in a great measure, the salvation of the ship. Although completely water-logged, yet, as her masts had gone by the board, she rose, after a minute, heavily from the sea, and, staggering awhile beneath the immense pressure of the tempest, finally righted.

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